Friday, August 31, 2012

Categorize your Posts on Blogger

By Hazem Khairi
          Using labels on Blogger need not be an ordeal.

I'm sure that you have looked around countless blogs and forum posts - as I once had done- seaching for this seamingly insignificant function. I was not prepared, however, for all the complicated Jscript/html/widgit/voodoo coding and tinkering!
Luckily, there is a much, much easier way to show all posts with the same label on one page; and have a simple URL linking directly to it.

First of all, I'm assuming that you are using labels to categorize your posts; they work the same way as tags on YouTube. You can check more information about labels here.

Now that your posts are properly labeled, we can start categorizing your posts.

It's infuriantingly simple. All you need to do is type the following URL:


Simply substitute the name of your blog and the name of the label you wish to display. For example, I used the same method to link all the videos in this blog directly from our website using the following link:

I hope this has been helpful, thanks for reading.

New Way to do Business- Microsoft Dynamics GP [VIDEO]

By Hazem Khairi

Take a look at this interesting Video from Microsoft. It gives a great scenario-based introduction to the various features and benefits of Microsoft Dynamics GP.